Rocky Mountain Men’s Prayer Advance

September 12-14, 2024
Silver State Baptist Camp


Evangelists Harold and Stephen Vaughan. A father and son team who have a burden for revival and have a lot to say. We have a lot we need to hear!

Tom Palmer spoke at our Nebraska/Wyoming Advance last year. He has a heartbeat for revival. You will appreciate this servant of the Lord.

Evangelist Bob Holmes is a one-man volleyball team.

Bob puts preaching and winning the lost as his top priority. He uses the one-man volleyball team as a way to get a huge crowd in a gym for the rally and single-handedly takes on teams.

Since the 9/11 tragedy over “40,000” have come to know the Lord Jesus Christ from the Public School crowds in the evening rallies.

Ripley’s Believe it or Not just finished a second story on Bob because of having played more games than any athlete in the history of the world in any sport!

18,400 wins! Motive? To bring the Gospel message to millions.

Bob has defeated the Minnesota Vikings, Pittsburgh Steelers; Miami Dolphins; Washington Redskins; Toronto Blue Jays, Baltimore Orioles with Cal Ripken; Buffalo Bills three times and a 1st place beach team.

All men are invited to participate in the volleyball game, but especially recruit your teenage sons and singles to come and try to beat Bob in a volleyball game.

Major Doug Carragher 

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Doug had an exemplary military career serving in three countries and overall in seven locations.  By God’s grace, he was able to meet world leaders, including six U.S. presidents.  His numerous awards include 30 medals and 10 ribbons.  He is also the thirty-ninth member of the US Army Recruiting and Retention Hall of Fame residing permanently in the Pentagon.

Doug in the Founder and President of Wounded Spirits. He is a well sought-after military speaker, deputation speaker, church/college motivational speaker, and mission’s conference speaker. His position involves visiting military bases, Veteran Affairs facilities, police forces, first responders, shelters and anywhere people in shackles from PTSD live. Additionally, he trains churches to lead Christian PTSD groups, counsel those with hurting hearts and reach their communities with Christ’s love. Additionally, he directs the ministry office in their work of serving churches/individual efficiently.

Doug preaches at over a dozen camps a year holding workshops for those with PTSD. Thousands have been helped and testimonies, classes and opportunities can be watched on

Mark Magruder, EA Wealth Manager & Tax Advisor) will be available for counsel concerning finances. He has a heart for God and a desire to see men successfully following Biblical principles with their finances.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.